Asian Ecotourism Network

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Asian Ecotourism Network welcomes you!

The Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) is the first developed regional initiative of the Global Ecotourism Network. AEN reflects ecotourism commitment through the enthusiastic participation of its diverse 21 member countries working towards achieving the three ecotourism components namely benefit to communities, benefit to environment, and interpretations at grassroots level, primarily through the Asian ecotourism standards. The ecotourism standards developed by AEN are unique to Asia as compared to global standards. These standards address the ecotourism business needs of the Asia-pacific region. Wherein, the key stakeholders operating their ecotourism businesses get stimulated towards achieving measurable yet sustainable eotourism practices.

Asian Ecotourism Standards

The Asian Ecotourism Standards for Accommodations (AESA) was developed by consensus building of 17 AEN member countries that is complaint to and recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The online sytem of AESA will help accommodation providers in the Asia-Pacific region to manage and improve their ecotourism business's social and environmental impacts by complying with AESA criteria. AEN is also developing the Asian ecotourism standard for destinations. AEN is one of the GSTC training partners and stands amongst the top 100 Green Destination partners. For further AEN ecotourism standards related enquiry contact at

Supported by SWITCH-Asia

The development of the Platform Standard is proudly supported by the SWITCH-Asia programme, which is funded by the European Union (EU)

Become an AEN member

While we identify and praise the 'top-runners' of the industry, we endeavor to bottom-up the industry not just limited to conserve the environment but also to alleviate poverty, empower communities, educate the youngs, pass on the wisdom of our ancestors, revitalize local economy until smiles are shared upon us all. Thus, get connected and benefit by availing suitable membership and Partnership category. For further AEN membership related enquiry contact at

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